Friday, February 4, 2011

Project 00005

so heres some stuff i've been up to, some cartoony weapons. came out pretty good. more on the way.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Project 00004: Update

alright added armor, and off to painting

trying to determine the lower part of the character and decided to with spider/crab

and a small update, had alot of fun with the head (under the mask). thought it came out extremely well giving i was following a tutorial for Max and didnt have ref images

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Project 00004 - Dominance War V Pre-Challenege

so DW has started again. this time it starts off with a 4 week MMO Boss challenge. heres my concept (i apologize for the terrible quality i had to take a picture with the webcam on this comp)

heres what i got so far for the modeling, not much i know but meh lol

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rant 002 - Silent Hill 2

i was so psyched to hear that silent hill 2 is being made... and then they go and say that the guys behind the latest resident evil 3d fiasco are helming it, and is also going to be 3d...*facepalm* i wish i could roll up a giant newspaper and hit hollywood in the face. 3d does not make movies better, and for those of us that already wear glasses it just makes it annoying. and who's bright idea was it to let the people behind the lesser of the two horror games movies, take over the better one...*rolls up giant newspaper and smacks hollywood in the face*

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Project 00003 - Brock's Gator

its been awhile, but heres my most recent model. Done for and concepted by Chris Brock.Smooths farely well, now to texture it...maybe lol

Monday, March 30, 2009

Project 00002 - Secret Project: BIRTHDAY PARTY - Cont.

OK so its been awhile( lots of things have been happening), but here are somethings I've been working on.

Heres the room as it stands now with some simple lighting

im quite proud of this piece, the spiral came out great ^_^

this remote was a pain, far more than it needed to be as i made all into one piece T_T

Friday, February 20, 2009

Project 00002 - Secret Project: BIRTHDAY PARTY

So lately I've been working on some props for an animated short. I'm not as far as I'd like to be at this point but I'm getting there. Here's what i have thus far:

click on images for fullscreen

More to come shortly, I'm hoping to finish the whole room quickly so I can get started on Dominance War IV and its Mini Challenges.